Finally, Hey Monday came on. They played Obvious, Run Don't Walk, Should've Tried Harder, Candles, Arizona, Josey, Homecoming, 6 Months, and How You Love Me Now. First of all, they totally destroyed everyone else. No one got even close to them performance wise. Cassadee's vocals are amazing and totally got the crowd involved. One of the songs they passed out cups to throw at them. Another they set the audience in half and got us all crazy. The two acoustic performances were amazing. Candles had one acoustic verse while 6 months was entirely acoustic.

The best thing about being at a small venue is that all the bands want to meet you. Every member of each band was out and around meeting people and signing stuff. I got to meet Hey Monday, Stereo Skyline, a couple members of This Providence, and a couple members of The Bigger Lights. I also met two smaller bands that were promoting themselves, OK Corral and The Bride Wore Black. I definitely suggest looking in to them. Also, I got to meet probably one of the nicest band member's I've ever met, Jason from Girls Get All The Action. He was one of the people who inspired me to do this blog and whose band I did the first article of the blog on. Keep reading for more pictures.

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